Shadow Work For Beginners

In the quest for self-discovery and personal growth, shadow work is a powerful tool often overlooked. Coined by the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung, the “shadow” represents the parts of ourselves that we hide, repress, or deny. Engaging in shadow work means exploring these hidden aspects, understanding their origins, and integrating them into our conscious self. This process can be transformative, leading to greater self-awareness and inner harmony. But how do you start? Here’s a beginner’s guide to shadow work...

Shadow work delves into the hidden aspects of our psyche, bringing unresolved emotions, fears, and traumas into the light for healing and integration. While traditional shadow work often focuses on psychological and emotional exploration, somatic shadow work adds a physical dimension to this process. By engaging the body, we can access and release stored emotions more effectively. Here's an introduction to somatic shadow work and how you can start incorporating it into your healing journey...

Somatic Shadow Work

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