Join the Coven...

The Coven of Your Dreams

I have created a monthly coven where we cast spells together, do shadow work together, and make magick together!

Each NEW and FULL moon you'll receive :
✨A Pre-recorded shadow ritual
✨ Altar set up
✨Glamour Magick inspo
✨Shadow work prompts
✨Materials list and instrutions
✨+ 24/7 Access to ALL previous rituals

All emailed to you prior to each lunation. In your inbox, easy peasy!

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 It’s only natural to have questions when you’re deciding on what action to take...
Will there be a replay available?
As a solitary witch myself, I created the coven to be built around your schedule and the moon's, with the ability to converse and share with other witches! Two days before each lunation, you'll get an email with a high def video and PDF, giving you three full days to harness the energy at your leisure. Cast with us from the comfort of your own home with witches all over the globe! 

What do you get with the subscription?
Three days before each NEW and FULL moon you'll receive :
✨A Pre-recorded ritual
✨ Altar set up
✨Glamour Magick inspo
✨Shadow work prompts
✨Materials list and instrutions
✨+ 24/7 Access to ALL previous rituals

Can I maintain privacy?
AbsoLUTELY! The whole coven is anonymous unless you care to engage with other members in the comment threads, and even then members can only see your handle. Shadow work is a very personal practice, and I want to honor that and YOU!

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Will this work for me?

 I GET it – you want to know if it's even worth it!

“How could this be any more effective than my own spells or my own shadow work?”

Lemme break it down for ya:

1) You're working magick with the woman who wrote the BOOK! This journey I've been on has opened so many doors since publication of my first book, and I have now published FOUR spell books, spanning abundance, love, hexing, and more.

2) I'm pumping up shadow work (as a Triple Scorpio does) to go deeper than you thought possible. This past year has shown me how connected our traumas are and how they permeate through every pore, and I'm here to be your demon dermatologist. 

3) I have gone HELLA deep in re-sensitizing my body. After feeling so unsafe for so many years (decades contributing to my CPTSD) I numbed out to everything, or went straight to fight or flight. Now, every step I take is slow and deliberate, and I allow myself to FEEL it. I will be teaching you exactly how to do this, which will be instrumental in the success of our magick.

4) My guides have provided me with an incredible life. Have there been hard times? Sure. But whenever I hold space for their presence, I thrive. By joining me as the High Priestess of this coven, you will get access to the power of my guides, as well as the amplification of yours.

Interested in joining? Subscribe below for an exclusive look behind the veil + your all access pass!

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