Over decades, I've been employing shadow work into every facet of my life. Because of this practice, I've manifested WELL enough to be featured in multiple publications including Cosmopolitan, Forbes, and Time Out New York. I most recently authored Mushroom Magick via Union Square & Co publishing, which is my fourth published book on spells!

So, you can say I know my sh*t   ;)

What is Shadow Work?

Let's Get Into your Shadow

Shadow work is one of my favorite practices. The first step is to use journal prompts designed with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Jungian Psychology in mind to get you to figure out your blind spots.

What is Shadow Work?

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung first developed the concept, using the term “shadow self” to describe the things people repress or do not like to acknowledge. He theorized that it is a counterweight to the persona, which is the self that people present to others. Within the shadow lies our fears and traumas, and if left unchecked, can lead to self- sabotage.

My signature Shadow Work method exists in five stages:

Illumination (finding the belief)
Processing (grieving the belief)
Deconstruction (truth > belief)
Connection (to current behaviors)
Integration (changing behaviors)

In order to embrace your shadows with love and acceptance, which is the goal of shadow work, you must walk through these stages carefully, patiently and committed. These are the integral parts of who you are, and they are not going away. And by acknowledging and integrating these aspects of yourself, you can experience profound healing and transformation.

Shadow Video...

So what does this have to do with astrology??

Since I'm a professional astrologer and tarot reader, I saw a lot of parallels between my clients unique astrological placements, certain behaviors, and the successes they've had with shadow work. 

I thought to myself, what if we could go EVEN deeper with shadow work using pinpointed, exploratory prompts that dig into SPECIFIC traits?

A sun in Leo, for example, is a different energy than a moon in Scorpio, but if we have both in our chart, we will benefit from exploring each of those shadows.

It's HYPER niched. Just like YOU.

Shadow Work
Your Birth Chart

Will this work for me?

Have you ever heard the saying, "you get out what you put in?"

That's what shadow work is like. Sometimes, we're unable to access our shadow because of pain, trauma, or anything else that may make our brains want to protect us. And that's ok! As a trauma-informed coach, sometimes we need a little hand holding.

But that doesn't mean it won't work for you at all!

I come from a background with heavy childhood trauma, and when I first found shadow work, it allowed me the space to explore what I COULD access, which eventually opened the door for even healthier habits. Wherever you're starting, shadow work will challenge your bravery, and reward it HEAVILY.

So, get started. Worst thing that could happen is my email sits in your inbox and you never open it. 

But the best thing? That this is the key to unlocking your joy, confidence, and radiance.